Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mar Thoma Church and175th Anniversary of Reformation

Mar Thoma Church is celebrating 175th Anniversary of Reformation in 2010.  This is an occasion to take new steps to continue reformation, that is, to do something for making the spiritual ife meaningful, as Abraham Malpan did. The Church needs to take bold steps in relation to their attitude towards ecumenism, towards women ministry and make adequate revision of its liturgy to reflect the contemporary  aspirations of the people, especially the young members of the Church. Towing the line of Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan, it should allow open communion for all those who want to participate. Marriage rules need to be amended to allow Church marriages for all who desire.  The boundaries of the Church must be opened for cross cultural influences.  New  forms of worship need to be encouraged. The Church has to become a fellowship and a movement towards human freedom rather than  an insititution thriving to maintain its  institutional interest.

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