Friday, September 3, 2010


ECUMENISM VIS - A - VIS SHARING HOLY QURBANA The essence of what Chrysostom Thirumeni told them was that the true message of ecumenism was sharing or participation in the Holy Qurbana without restrictions. In other words, as I understand, a believer should have the freedom to accept Holy Qurbana from any church whatever be his denomination. HG Dr Gheevrgese Mar Osthathios Thirumeni has been advocating this view as the truth behind ecumenism through many of his writings with the churches coming together by respecting each other, spreading the message of love and coming to an understanding on faith and interpretation of truth as taught by Jesus and shown in practice by the Apostles and church fathers. I don’t think any Bishop in Orthodox Churches would object to this, nor the Church leadership. Then, what is it that prevents us from doing it?

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